Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cupid And Psyche

The Golden Ass brings us into the story of Cupid and Psyche a little late. It starts off with Venus on an angry, desperate search for Psyche. So what happened before this, and why is Venus so mad?
Cupid is the son of Venus. He does her bidding of shooting people with his arrows and making people fall in love. As I blogged about earlier, Cupid has two kinds of arrows, a golden tipped one that makes people fall in love, and an arrow with a lead tip that brings about hatred in a person.
It turns out that Cupid was suppose to shoot Psyche with a golden arrow, and Venus was going to put a horrible creature in front of her so that Psyche fell in love with the creature. Why would Venus do such a mean thing? Well, Psyche happened to be one smokin' hottie with a slammin' body, and this made Venus jealous.
However, all did not go according to plan. Cupid, the clumsy little guy, got startled when psyche woke up and poked himself with the golden arrow. Who happened to be the first person he saw after getting poked? Psyche. Oh boy. Little Cupid caught by his own tricks started to fall madly in love with Psyche. Venus was not stoked on this. She cursed Psyche so that she could not meet a husband. Cupid revolts against Venus and quits his job of shooting people and creating love in the world. This means that no one is praising Venus, and Venus is not stoked on this either. She is so un-stoked that she lifts the curse from Psyche, allowing Cupid to go meet her. However, Cupid does not want her to know his identity, so he sleeps with her in the dark, and forbids Psyche to turn a light on and reveal who her lover is. As you may have guessed, sleeping together in the dark leads to one thing and another (if you don't know what I am getting at, ask your parents to give you the birds and the bees talk) and Psyche gets knocked up.
Well give it some time, and Psyche's evil sisters make her curious enough to shed a light on her lover one night and try to kill him, for he is suppose to be an evil serpent. When Psyche turns on the light, she gets stuck by one of the golden tipped arrows, and wouldn't you know it, falls madly in love with the guy laying next to her, her baby-daddy, Cupid. Bad news though, Cupid wakes up and scrams.
This is where the Golden Ass picks up, Psyche's search for her love.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome retelling. I love it. Thanks for the back story! :)
