Monday, March 28, 2011

sinister southpaws

We talked about tricksters today in class. One thing we learned about tricksters is that they are left sided, or left handed. I decided to look into this a little bit. The classical latin word for left is sinistra, which translates also to mean evil or unlucky, and it looks and sounds a lot like the word sinister. This makes sense because the trickster often performs acts and deeds that are sinister, or at least seem sinister when they go against the social norms. (obscene acts) My younger brother is a southpaw. Although, we raised him to be right handed because we never had any left handed baseball gloves or other sports equipment for leftys. Maybe we did this because subconsciously we knew what being left handed actually meant. Although, I think his left handed roots have stayed with him, he is a little punk, some might say sinister at times.

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