Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Humans, the Pawns of the Gods

As I was reading these myths and studying them for the quiz, I realized something, the gods seem to have total control over everything (obviously). But when you look into this more, it seems like the gods just have their way with the human race. Yes, the humans pray to the gods for favors, but when you step back and look at it, it seems like it ends up being one god against another, using the humans as pawns, like a chess game. This is especially apparent in times of war. One story where this really stood out to me was the Aeneid. In the Aeneid, Aeneas is trying to lead a group of Trojans to Italy after they were defeated in Troy by the Greeks. Juno doesn't like this and she sends many trials and troubles his way to make his Journey difficult. During these trials, Aeneas is praying to other gods, in particular, Jupiter. So when you step back and look at this, there is one god causing trouble and another god helping, basically retaliating against the other god through the human. And in the end of the story, Jupiter goes to Juno and says "Enough is enough, lets stop this already!", and boom, just like that, Aeneas' troubles are over. Why couldn't Jupiter just do that in the first place? Maybe its the fact that the gods are just enjoying a nice, semi-competitive game of chess where the humans are the pawns and the world is their chess board.

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