Thursday, March 17, 2011

Aeolus, the unrelenting tormenter

I just got back from a 3 day backcountry ski trip in the Swan Mountains up by Kalispell. It was a great trip, except for the fact that Aeolus, the Greek god of winds, would not let us forget about him. It was so windy while we were up there. I think our tent might have lifted off the ground a couple time the first night. Aeolus was throwing all of his winds at us too so we couldn't get away from him. The winds just swirled through this basin and blew snow all around. Speaking of blowing snow around, Aeolus was just picking the snow up and carrying it everywhere, especially the backside of the ridge-tops, where the skiing would be the best. But, thanks to the great wind god, we couldn't ski the steep fun-looking slopes. He just threw too much snow around and increased the avalanche danger to uncomfortable levels. Also, he forced us to move camp over the the adjacent basin the second night because of a big storm that was suppose to hit us. If we had gotten the 16 inches of predicted snow, Aeolus would have thrown this around and around, and we could have easily gotten stranded back in the mountains. I don't think Aeolus knows just how troublesome he can be. He didn't ruin my trip, I still had an epic time on this adventure, but he certainly did not improve my trip either.

1 comment:

  1. You should have sacrificed one of the people you were with to try to appease him...
