Monday, March 21, 2011

Man, I am glad I am a man

To all of the women out there, I am sorry. I just read the story about the agdos rock for class today, and in this story, Nana, the virgin daughter of the king gets knocked up.... by a fruit. She simply picks a fruit off of a particularly tasty looking tree, and sets the fruit in her lap. Little did she know that the fecundator of this tree happened to be the blood and torn-off member from the monster Agdistis. Low and behold, Nana gets pregnant. This type of impregnation happens in other myths we have read. For instance, a woman bending over and getting knocked up by the wind. Would this be considered rape? I mean, these poor girls are just minding their own business and, just like that, they are pregnant against their own knowing/will. All in all, I feel sorry for women. They can't even enjoy a nice fresh fruit or walk around on a breezy day without the fear of getting knocked up. I will never know the pain of childbirth, but I have heard it is definitely no picnic. So ladies, you have my sympathies.

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