Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Zealand: shake and bake

I am sorry to say that Christchurch, New Zealand has been hit by yet another larger earthquake. I hold this place near and dear to my heart as I studied there last fall. There was one large earthquake while I was down there, a 7.1. However, Christchurch got lucky then and no one died, and there were only a few buildings with major major damage. This earthquake was only a 6.3, but much closer to the city center, and during lunch time. There are so far 75 reported deaths and still hundreds reported missing. Many buidings have been destroyed, including the iconic cathedral in the middle of the city.
The only explanation for these large earthquakes is that the god Ruaumoko is up and walking around the underworld. Ruaumoko is the son of Mother Papa and the god or earthquakes. For the sake of all of my friends and everyone else in New Zealand, I would appreciate it if Ruaumoko would stop walking around and just lay down for a long, long nap already!

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