Wednesday, February 2, 2011

BOOM!...The End

On monday in class, we were asked to think about what we think the end of the world will be like. Personally, I think it will happen with a large eruption of some sort, like this one here:
This eruption could even happen in our own backyards.
Personally, if the world IS going to end, I would want it to happen this way, that way we have a front row seat to the action! If a super volcano like yellowstone erupts, the earth will be toast anyway, so why not see the amazing show and have one last awesome image before we go? I think a large eruption is fitting because it would then wipe out the world with fire, followed by famine, just like in the recent Hindu myth "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe". In that myth, Shiva wipes out all life on earth with fire. Fire is prevalent in other myths for this same reason. So come time for the alarm on the world's life clock to go off, I say we sit back and enjoy the fireworks with our close friends and a case of PBR.

1 comment:

  1. Along with all the nukes MT is holding, we're in for a big bang someday!
