Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is our society matrifocal?

I am reviewing my notes for the quiz, and I came across the term matrifocal- which by our class definition means mommy-focused. It got me thinking about society today and how it is moving towards this in a way. I love my mother dearly, and I make sure to tell her that every time I talk to her (otherwise she gets upset). However, this term matrifocal, it makes me think that society as a whole is more feminine. In these societies, there is no fighting, everyone gets along, and genders are equal. I am all for equality of genders and I am not promoting violence. However, I am raising a point about the men in these societies.
One of my heroes is my friends dad Tom. He took me and my friends outdoors all the time and on great adventures anywhere from hunting trips to ski trips to backpacking trips, all based on the ideas from the book Wild At Heart. This book talks about how society today is feminizing men, and how there are very few real men left in society. By this, I mean that society is expecting men to be calm and reserved, have a steady day to day desk job, dress nice and be clean cut. (keep in mind this is a brief generalization) According to the book, there are three things that define a man 1) a man needs a battle to fight 2) a beauty to rescue 3) and an adventure to live. Now, I know this seems like some sort of childhood fantasy about a knight kicking butt and rescuing the damsel in the tower, but think about it in modern terms. Modern society seems to have taken the real excitement out of a guys life, and turned most of the men into city (sissy) boys. (I know that in Montana, this is far less prevalent than other places in the country)
This is something that made sense to me and angered me in a way. I am not blaming this solely on women, but society as a whole. However, it does seem that in a matrifocal, or mommy-focused society, that all of the men would be feminized. Are boys who were raised with a solid father figure different from boys who were raised only by their mothers?
Again, I am all for gender equality, but I feel we should move away from the matrifocal society and let men be men, and go on adventures and get into some trouble.

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