That guy was definitely my hero growing up. Not only does he have a pet monkey, he gets to ride around on a flying carpet wherever he wants to go. He defeats Jafar and saves the girl. He goes on his adventure into the bowels of the sand tiger, takes the risk, and comes out with a deeper understanding of things, aka the Genie. I was trying to decide which type of hero this is according to Campbell. Campbell says there are two types of heroes. The first hero sets out responsibly and intentionally on an adventure, "the father quest"g. The second kind is where the adventure and deed are just thrown at the hero. Aladdin went into the cave intentionally to get the lamp for the crusty old man (secretly Jafar), but he ended up in a much bigger adventure than what he planned for.
Now I have "A Whole New World" stuck in my head... thanks =)